Mother’s Stacks
“C’mon ma, you’d be perfect for the show. I told you about
the pay, right?” Carlo stared his mother down trying to dial up the insistence
in his voice more than the dozen or so other times he’d had this conversation
with her. He knew she’d take the papers from him pretend to look over the
waivers from the production company then stack them up wherever she stacked the
rest of these printouts in her capacity house.
“I’m just not the on camera type,” she offered again.
“They’re just here for the week. Enough to clean out all
this hoarding mess and get you a new start.” And give each of us five thousand for participating, he added to
“I’m happy the way it is.”
“Ma, one stray spark from the stove and this whole place
goes up. Don’t be surprised if that happens.” The floors were stacked with
newspapers. The piles reached the ceiling. The whole house reeked of them. Now
Carlo reeked of them too. His wife would complain about it, but he couldn’t
afford to dry-clean the smell out. Not after the layoff.
“I don’t use the stove.”
Carlo sighed. He couldn’t push her too hard. This all
started when Dad ran off two decades ago. She collected the papers hunting for
any sign of him in the news. He was certainly in the news before then. Mainly
the police blotter. Always telling his kids he needed to get what’s his. Minor
crimes. Petty theft. Larceny. Nothing violent. Ma was the violent one, but only
to Dad. Carlo didn’t blame the man for leaving her.
He never did come up in the papers though and the papers
never left. They just stacked up. Ma was able to collect his insurance policy
about five years after he was gone. Somehow she was able to get him declared
deceased. Now the money was running out and Carlo was also in a pinch. The
Hoarding reality show was a sure thing. Easy money.
“I ain’t got dead cats. That’s what’s on the show now. This
house is clean. I keep it up.”
“Geez ma, can you think about it more?” he implored. “For me
at least?”
“I’ll look over the application.” He could tell she had no
intention of doing that.
“All right.” He gave her a kiss on the head. Even her skin
exuded the stale paper smell of her domicile.
He made his way through the foot-wide cleared path of paper
back to the front door where the newspaper stacking had started. He’d get her
to sign the papers. The five thousand for himself was only the beginning. He
knew he’d get much more with the press tour in the aftermath of what the film
crew would find under Ma’s piles. He was certain Dad was under those papers
somewhere, Carlo just had to wait it out. He’d known for a while, but like his
Dad, he had to wait for the opportunity to get what’s his.
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