
Friday, April 11, 2014

Numbers 16:32 now available for download from your fav eBookstore

I'm happy to have worked out the kinks for ePublishing with Numbers 16:32. It's now available for download from these sites for $0.99 or free! Download, comment, and share. All feedback is welcome. 

Google Play
iBooks (coming soon)

Joseph's Sunday morning routine of church, beer, and solitude is interrupted by a ragged screaming coming from the far side of his farmland. What he finds there will challenge his resolve in ways he hasn't faced since losing his wife or confronting the horrors of the Korean War.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Slow Roll Out

I have Amazon and Noise trade up, but still having issues with Google Play/Books. I'll work on that later. It looks like people have already found the Noisetrade and Amazon books sites with no marketing, so looks like I set them up right.

To thank folks for their patience, here's this:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Waiting Game: Adventures in ePub

I've been wrestling the ePub format to try and get Numbers 16:34 ready for market. So far Amazon looks fine, and Noisetrade was a breeze. But Google Play. . . sigh. It's kicking out an error that none of the other stores have had problems with. I'll work on the others stores later.

I'll have everything go live at once and share all links to store of your choice on the blog.

Also going with the temporary cover image for the story. I'll have someone help me out with a cleaner image based on the temporary one in the weeks ahead.

In other news I've picked up The Other Robot Story as my next project. That one should be done in a month and we'll see what I've learned with getting short stories onto the online marketplace.